Madreporario (Caryophyllia inornata)

Madreporario (Caryophyllia inornata)

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to follow you will find another interesting scientific sheet of our friend biologist dr. Luigi Esposito.

Greetings and good bubbles to all


PHYLUM: Cnidaria CLASS: Antozoi

ORDER: Madreporari FAMILY: Karyophyllids

DISTRIBUTION: Mediterranean Sea, on poorly lit rocky bottoms and in caves up to 500 meters deep.

DESCRIPTION: Madreporario with polyps enclosed in a limestone skeleton in the shape of a goblet of roughly rounded shape. The octopus counts up to 80 semitransparent tentacles. Polyps are often grouped together but not colonial. Viviparous species

DIMENSION: It reaches 2 – 3 cm in height and 2 in diameter

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