Mermaid Mia Guastadisegni: With the passion of the sea in the blood, he put the cylinders at the age of 6 years, undertook his training scuba diving and apnea in FIPSAS, became an underwater instructor and a PADI staff apnea and completed the whole with two degrees in Marine biology and Environmental science. In love with the underwater world has always wanted to become a mermaid until realizing this dream in the activity of Mermaiding starting as assistant of the multi-record of apnea Ilaria Molinari and continuing to be excited in the enchanting marine environment and transmit the same magic to his pupils with passion, preparation, professionalism and dedication. Protagonist of numerous underwater videos on the sirens including the winner of the contest EUDI Movie at the International Exhibition of Underwater EUDI Show in Bologna, edition 2019.
My killesdesigns
Marine biologist, PADI instructor, scuba diver, instructor, PADI diving instructor, instructor, instructor (Mermaiding), instructor, Emergency First Reponse…
The instructor is available for the following activities:
- Scuba Diving Courses
- Deep diving
- Scuba Diving
- Nitrox Dives
- Group dives
- Night Dives
- Research and Recovery dives
- Diving wreck
- Diving Caves
- Dry suit
- Navigation
- Courses with Monofin (mermaiding)
Email: mia.guastadisegni((at))tarasub.it