TARANTO 04/11/1963
Military Paratrooper
He began to immerse himself in the Red Sea in 2000, achieving the Open Water Diver certification with the Nase(national Academy of Scuba Educators) and continued his Training withANIS(National Association of Underwater Instructors) with whom he obtained In 2008 the patent of A.O.W.D. (Advanced O.W.D.). In 2010 he meets Ivan Miccoli and the staff of the TARAS SUB Diving Center and arrives at the teaching SSI(Scuba School International) where he converts the AOWD and achieves the specialties nitrox 40, Stress & Rescue, in the year 2011 and Deep Diving, Equipment Techniques, Search & Recovery in the year 2012. In the same year he received the qualification of Master Diver from the didactic agency SSI. Then he decided to continue the vocational training course achieving in 2013 the qualification of Dive Guide PRO and starts a closer collaboration with the TARAS SUB Diving Center of Taranto. Increasingly fascinated by the sea and the underwater environment becomes convinced environmentalist and decides to continue the path of professional diving in order to contribute to the diffusion of a safe and conscious diving and the formation of a conscience Collective safeguard of marine and submarine environments. It follows, therefore, the qualifications of SSI Snorkel Instructor, SSI Open Water Diver Instructor, Stress & Rescue Specialty instructor, Dive Guide Specialty Instructor, Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty Instructor and Perfect Buoyancy Specialty Instructor. He has visited numerous national and international diving sites.
He speaks English and Spanish.
Stefano Nigri
OWD Instructor
Stefano has managed to combine the passion for the marine and submarine world with a solid environmentalist belief, supported by a solid technical background and a diversified experience.
The instructor is available for the following activities:
- Scuba Diving Courses
- Nitrox Dives
- Group dives
- Night Dives
- Research and Recovery dives
- Diving wreck
- Dry suit
- Navigation
Email: stefano.nigri((at))tarasub.it
Cel: + 39 335 5302480