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diving center and the most famous diving school Taranto!

The diving school Taranto
The Taras Sub Diving Center has been affiliated to the Scuba School International for 18 years. Below are all the patents and certifications that the Underwater School is authorized to issue. All students enrolled at each level of the patent and certification for the full duration of the course will be able to use the complete equipment for course didactic dives free of charge. Of course, those who already own property equipment can freely use it. At the Diving Center you can store your equipment for the duration of the course.
Formative credits of the Diving school Taranto
Our courses are valid as formative credits for the competitions in the Armed Forces and preparation for the selections of the courses OSSALC, SOMMOZZATORI and PALOMBARI of the MARINA MILITARE, for universities and high schools.
Open Water Diver

This course brings you step by step to the underwater world and its laws in a practical way and under the guidance of an instructor. The student will learn, in a quick and fun way, the diving techniques to be able to safely explore a new world, full of amazing beauties. The SSI Open Water Diver course enables you to dive within 18 meters. The SSI Open Water Diver course is a unique opportunity to experience a socializing experience as few and to enter with enthusiasm and responsibility in the wonderful underwater world.
Advanced Open Water

The course includes the teaching of 4 Specialties or Specialty Diver and is equivalent to a 2-star RSTC. This patent attests to the greater experience acquired in immersion and can be requested even after having obtained four Specialties separately. The O.W.D. patent is required. or equal rank and have recorded a minimum of 24 dives in their booklet.
Specialty Diver

The purpose of this course is to prepare the diver for new activities allowing him to gain experience and increase his skills, under the supervision of an instructor. The specialty courses that can be carried out by the TARAS SUB are: NIGHT, DEEP, on RELITTI, DIVING, RESEARCH AND RECOVERY, from the BOAT, with COMPUTER, with NITROX, FULL FACE MUSK, EQUIPMENT.
CPR First Aid

This course has been studied by the American Heart Association, a leading association in the study and protection of health, and used by many public assistances in Italy to prepare rescuers. In the 8 hours of theoretical / practical lessons, with the use of mannequins, the student learns the techniques of first aid and Cardio-Pulmonary resuscitation, which will allow him to intervene in cases of injury, which could occur at home, at work and in free time. PARTICIPATION IS OPEN ALSO TO NON-SUBS.
Stress & Rescue

When the diver does not feel at ease in the water or in the use of his own equipment, when after the winter break he does not feel in perfect physical condition or the preparation and the experience are not enough to face the dive, when the conditions environmental or meteorological conditions are adverse, it increases in him the possibility of incurring in the so-called “underwater stress”. In the Stress & Rescue course the student learns to prevent problems from arising and to respond appropriately to situations that could become dangerous, during the course they are also taught what measures to take when the problem arises, learning underwater rescue techniques, and apply first aid in water. Patents are required: Advanced OWD and C.P.R.-First Aid Diver or equivalent and 50 certified dives. Read more
Divecontrol Specialist

It is the first step towards an instructor’s career. The knowledge, both theoretical and practical, of immersion techniques allows the student to adequately assist an Instructor in his activity and enables him to play the role of INSTRUCTOR AID, SNORKELING INSTRUCTOR AND SUB GUIDE, allowing him to organize dives and work in Diving Centers. Patents are required: A.O.W.D. with 5 specialties, including boat dives, night dives and diving equipment, C.P.R. First Aid Diver, Stress & Rescue and having recorded at least 75 dives on your log book.
Why choose us
Technical dinghies
Years of
Scuba divers
every year
Taranto diving school – About us
There is always something good to say about us
Competent and very kind staff, it is a pleasure to share the passion of scuba diving with the Taras Sub Diving Center of Taranto. Congratulations to all!
By now it is a consolidated tradition, in Taranto I practice diving with my favorite Diving Center.
The best time in my life is spent on scuba diving or snorkeling!
Professionalism, competence and lots of fun. I have dived in different places in Italy and abroad but the atmosphere that is breathed in this diving center is not easy to find anywhere else. Attention to detail, technical preparation, experience and availability mean that every dive is made for serenity and fun. Every year it is always a pleasure to come back !!!!